Pregnancy, Maternity and Health Tips for Expecting Parents

Love Sleep Play delivers content and articles about pregnancy, maternity, and the post natal care for your new baby

Should You Immunize Your Baby Against RSV and Other Respiratory Illnesses

As a parent, one of the most important decisions you will make for your child is whether or not to immunize them against various diseases and illnesses. This decision can be particularly difficult when it comes to respiratory illnesses, such as RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and coronavirus. On one hand, immunizations can provide vital protection against serious and potentially life-threatening diseases. On the other hand, some people have concerns about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, and may be hesitant to expose their newborn babies to them. In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of immunizing newborn babies against RSV and other respiratory illnesses, to help you make an informed decision for your own family.

What is RSV and why is it important to immunize against it?

RSV is a highly contagious respiratory virus that is common in children, but can also affect adults. It causes symptoms similar to the common cold, such as runny nose, cough, and fever, but can also lead to more serious complications, particularly in young children and babies. These complications can include bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways in the lungs) and pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs).

Babies are at particularly high risk for RSV, as their immune systems are not fully developed and they are more prone to respiratory infections. In severe cases, RSV can lead to hospitalization and even death, although this is rare. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), RSV is the leading cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children under the age of 1.

There is no cure for RSV, so the best way to protect your newborn baby against the virus is through immunization. There is a vaccine available to prevent RSV, called the palivizumab vaccine. It is typically given as a monthly injection to high-risk babies during the RSV season (typically November to April in the United States). The vaccine is not recommended for all babies, but rather for those who are at particularly high risk for severe RSV disease, such as premature infants, babies with underlying health conditions, and those with a history of RSV in the family.

What are the potential benefits of immunizing newborn babies against RSV?

There are several potential benefits to immunizing newborn babies against RSV:

  1. Protection against serious illness: As mentioned above, RSV can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening complications in young children and babies. By immunizing your newborn baby against RSV, you can help protect them from these complications and reduce their risk of hospitalization.

  2. Prevention of RSV outbreaks: In addition to protecting individual children, immunizing against RSV can also help prevent outbreaks of the virus within a community. When a large percentage of the population is immunized against a disease, it becomes much more difficult for the disease to spread, as there are fewer people who are susceptible to infection. This is known as herd immunity, and it can help protect those who are unable to receive vaccines due to underlying health conditions.

  3. Cost savings: While the cost of the palivizumab vaccine may seem high, it is generally much less expensive than the cost of treating RSV complications. Hospitalizations and other medical interventions can add up quickly, and immunizing your newborn baby against RSV can help reduce these costs.

What are the potential risks of immunizing newborn babies against RSV?

Like any vaccine, there are potential risks and side effects associated with immunizing newborn babies against RSV. These include:

  1. Injection site including soreness, redness or swelling.
  2. Allergic reaction and/or a rash.

As with any vaccination, you should always consult a physician before vaccinating your child against any respiratory illnesses, including RSV, Covid 19 and bronchitis.


Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash

Study Suggests Long Terms Health of Babies Affected by Covid 19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has been hard on many people in a variety of ways, even babies. For babies born during the Covid19  pandemic, a JAMA study suggests, the log-term health problems has the potential to be lifelong.

The first three years of life are crucial for brain development in humans. But it’s not just the health of babies that it affected, but the interactions between babies, parents and other would be caregivers. Babies need to be touched, spoken to, swaddled, smiled at, played with, stimulated and loved. As they respond to those interactions, neural connections are constructed in the brain. Without those interactions, an infant's brain doesn’t develop and grow as it should.

A stressed out or depressed parent or caregiver may find it hard to find the time and energy required to give the child's brain the love, stimulation and attention it needs to develop. There are many studies showing that poverty, maternal depression and other factors can change the development of a child's brain forever.



As part of an ongoing study of babies and their mothers, researchers from Columbia University studied the development of three groups of 6-month-old infants. Two of the groups were born during the COVID-19 pandemic; the mothers of one group had COVID-19, while the mothers of the other did not. The third group was a historical cohort (a group of babies who were born before the pandemic).

Mothers participating in the study used an Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3) to record their babies’ development and evolution. The researchers noted no difference in the development of the two groups of babies born during the pandemic, suggesting that prenatal exposure to COVID-19 doesn’t affect development, which is good news. But babies born during the pandemic scored lower in gross motor, fine motor, and social-emotional development than the babies born before the pandemic. Examples of developmental tasks for babies in this age group are rolling from back to tummy (gross motor), reaching for or grasping a toy with both hands (fine motor), and acting differently to strangers than to parents or familiar people (social-emotional development).


Infant Development during COVID

It’s just one study, and we need to do more research to better understand this, but the findings are not really surprising given what we know about infant development. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a lot of stress — emotional, financial, and otherwise — for so many families. It has also markedly affected the number and kind of interactions we have with other people. Babies are on average interacting with fewer people (and seeing fewer faces because of masking) than they did before the pandemic.

Even though we need to do more research, this study should serve as a warning for us as a society. The children of this pandemic will carry scars forever if we don’t intervene now. We’ve already seen the emotional and educational effects on children, and we need to be aware of the developmental effects on babies too. The stakes are too high to ignore the research.


What Can be Done?

We need to find ways to financially and emotionally support families with young children. We need to be diligent, energetic and creative, and work every angle available. And even if our government can't help out enough and play a role, our communities and individuals must take up the slack.

And parents and caregivers of infants and toddlers need to know about this research — and ask for help. It’s understandable and natural for parents to think that babies are too small and unaware to be affected by the pandemic. But they are affected, in ways that could be long-lasting. Talk to your doctor about what you can do to help yourself, your family, and your baby’s future.

Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

An Expectant Mom’s Guide to Finding a Pregnancy Pillow

Pregnancy is a time when you need as much sleep as you can snag, but finding a comfortable sleeping position may be difficult for many soon-to-be new moms. The extra weight you’re carrying around can put stress on your body and joints, resulting in aches and pains when you try to lie down for the night, not to mention keeping you awake.

Luckily, a maternity or pregnancy pillow can come to the rescue. These oversized pillows help to alleviate aches and pains by supporting certain areas of your body while you sleep. Every woman’s body is different, and that's why maternity pillows come in a variety of shapes and styles that are catered toward the comfort each new mom-to-be requires. Here are some tips on how to choose the pregnancy pillow that’s best for you:  

Look online. This is the fastest way to see all the different types of pillows that are available, as well as read reviews from other expectant moms on which types and brands work best.

Ask for advice. Chances are you have a friend, relative, or acquaintance who is  pregnant or has been pregnant in the recent past. Use the information she can give you as a guide.

Pick your support.  Decide which areas of the body you need supported, as different pillows support the body in different ways. Here is a breakdown of the basic types of pregnancy pillows and what they do:

Memory foam. This kind adjusts to the contours of your body, and supports the belly, back, and knees.

Simple wedge. This type slides easily under a growing belly, and is ideal if you prefer to sleep on your side. This pillow is also great for traveling, because it’s small and compact.

Bean-shaped. These wrap around your mid-section. They have adjustable straps at each end specifically designed to support the back on one side and the stomach on the other.

Test them out. Many stores will allow expectant moms to touch and even try the pillows while in the store.Take advantage and lie in different positions to see which one is most comfortable for your body.

If you’re unable to track down a maternity pillow, know that you can use multiple regular bed pillows instead. Place a pillow to support each affected area, or stick one under each side of your back. A better night’s sleep will make you a happier new mom-to-be, and help power you through your pregnancy.

Photo by Dominic Sansotta on Unsplash

Toddler Care When You’re Expecting

Being pregnant with a toddler running around can be challenging, to say the least. You may not always have the energy to keep up with your little one, and getting ready for a new baby can rob you of precious together time. But it is possible to bond with your older child, tackle your new baby to-do list, and even reserve a few hours for yourself during these months. Check out these tips for making pregnancy with a toddler in tow as smooth as possible.

Take advantage of naps. Your new best friend: the afternoon nap. Life with a toddler while pregnant leaves little downtime, so use his naptime to catch some shut-eye yourself. Pre-nap, wind down together with a calming activity such as reading a book or listening to music, which will help prepare him for sleep. He will love the extra cuddling with you and you’ll appreciate the peace and quiet. Afterwards, head to bed for much needed rest.

Bring in a babysitter. Consider hiring a mother’s helper for a couple of afternoons a week. Your child will enjoy the additional attention during this phase when so much focus is on the new baby, and you can use the afternoon to catch up on your rest or do a few things outside of the house. Schools and places of worship are great places to get referrals for local mother’s helpers. If you’re not comfortable leaving your child alone at first, you can always stay at home in a separate room.

Involve your toddler in baby preparations. Toddlers will delight in helping you get ready for your new addition, and you’ll simultaneously be able to check tasks off your new baby to-do list while hanging out with your older child. It’s a great opportunity to bond and talk about what to expect after your new baby arrives. Your tot can help fold baby clothes, place clean diapers in baskets, or arrange baby books on a shelf.

Prioritize your time. Accept that you may not be able to do everything you'd like to when you’re pregnant, with a toddler in tow. Let a few things slide in order to fit in special bonding time. Mopping the floors or updating your blog can wait. Spending those extra hours with your child before the new baby comes will help your toddler feel secure during the transition.

Remember to give yourself a break if things don’t go exactly as planned. This is a big change for your household! Before you know it, you'll be watching your firstborn become a proud big brother or sister to your new baby.

Photo by Colin Maynard on Unsplash